200,000 people are affected by inflammatory rheumatic diseases in Switzerland alone. Nevertheless, many medical questions remain unanswered. We want to change that: with a registry for inflammatory rheumatic diseases. With high-quality data. And in cooperation with patients, doctors and committed researchers.

Our motivation: SCQM in 47 seconds

Michael Andor, MD, SCQM Foundation Board President since 2020 (Video is in German)

The SCQM in figures

Status 01.01.2025


Patients in the SCQM Register


mySCQM Users


Participating institutions and practices


Publications with SCQM data in the past year

Our news section

10.03.2025: SCQM en mutation: un avenir assuré grâce à une restructuration et une réorientation stratégique

Ces dernières années, la SCQM Foundation a été confrontée à des défis financiers croissants. Afin de maintenir la stabilité à long terme et la viabilité financière de la fondation, une restructuration importante était nécessaire. Vous trouverez ici les instructions. 
Grâce à une réorientation stratégique de nos ressources, nous envisageons désormais l'avenir avec confiance. Nous avons assuré à la fois le fonctionnement de notre institution, avec la disponibilité des données, et la poursuite de nos services de base. Les projets de recherche en cours et prévus seront poursuivis. Nous restons également fidèles à notre vision: “Ensemble, avec des données applicables, vers de meilleurs traitements des maladies rhumatismales“.
La direction est désormais assurée en codirection par la Dre. Catherine Raptis (Science & Partenariats) et Isabelle Burger (Gestion des données & Communication). Nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde gratitude à notre ancienne directrice, Madame Dre. Judith Safford, pour son travail engagé et précieux. Nous lui souhaitons le meilleur pour sa retraite bien méritée.
Parallèlement, nous regrettons vivement que certains collaborateurs et collaboratrices apprécié.e.s quittent la fondation dans le cadre de la restructuration. Nous les remercions chaleureusement pour leur grand engagement et leur précieux travail, qui ont contribué de manière déterminante au développement et au succès de la SCQM Foundation.

Nous souhaitons ici vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre confiance et votre engagement continus. Vous apportez une contribution précieuse à la recherche sur les rhumatismes et à la gestion de la qualité.

Si vous avez des questions ou si vous souhaitez de plus amples informations, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

10.03.2025: SCQM in transition: future secured through restructuring and strategic reorientation

The SCQM Foundation has faced growing financial challenges in recent years. To maintain the long-term stability and financial sustainability of the foundation, a significant restructuring was necessary.

Through a strategic realignment of our resources, we are now looking confidently to the future. We have secured both the operation of our facility with the availability of data and the continuation of our core services. Ongoing and planned research projects will continue. We will also always remain true to our vision: ‘Together with applicable data to better treatments for rheumatic diseases’.

The management will now be taken over by a co-management team consisting of Dr Catherine Raptis (Science & Partnerships) and Isabelle Burger (Data Management & Communication). We would like to express our sincere thanks to our previous managing director, Dr Judith Safford, for her dedicated and valuable work. We wish her all the best for her well-deserved retirement.

At the same time, we regret that some valued employees are leaving the foundation as a result of the restructuring. We would like to thank them warmly for their great commitment and valuable work, which has contributed significantly to the development and success of the SCQM Foundation.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued trust and commitment. You are making a valuable contribution to rheumatism research and quality management.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

09.12.2024: SCQM webinar from 24 October to view

We are happy to share with you the webinar at which renowned experts gave exciting presentations on studies with SCQM data and other topics. This webinar was launched for healthcare professionals and partners.
Obesity – an increasing health problem in axSpA (PD Dr. med. Raphael Micheroli)
COMPASS – Promoting self-management in the doctor's office (Isabelle Steeb)
Advantages and challenges of the SCQM patient registry in everyday practice (Chrysoula Manolaraki, MD)
Prescription restrictions for TNFi therapy in PsA – useful or not? (Burkhard Möller, MD, PhD)

Watch the webinar recording here

21.08.2024: Visit us at the SGR-Congress in Lausanne

You can't find the time in your daily practice routine to familiarise with the SCQM patient register or exchange ideas with us? Take the opportunity and visit us at the SGR Congress at our booth (no. 18).

In a short session you can learn about the patient registry and its benefits for your everyday practice. On top of that, two workshops on the topic of ‘VITH & SCQM for the practice - quality work is paid for, register work is rewarded’ will take place, led by Dr Michael Andor.

Dr Catherine Raptis, Deputy Head of Science at the SCQM Foundation, will be happy to show you our services associated with research projects and give you insights into the numerous studies conducted with SCQM data.

Book a meeting with us!  
We gladly take the time to inform you about the patient registry and our services. Simply book a time slot at our booth in advance or visit us spontaneously.

Book a meeting now  

Workshop (german)

VITH & SCQM für die Praxis - Qualitätsarbeit wird bezahlt, Registerarbeit belohnt

  • Date: 06.09.2024
  • Time: 11:30 am and 1:30 pm
  • Moderation: Dr med. M. Andor, Uster 

We cordially invite you to participate in the poster sessions on studies with SCQM data. All information on the poster sessions can be found here.

We look forward to welcoming you at our booth no. 18 and the workshops at the SGR Congress!