As a non-profit foundation, we attach a great deal of importance to transparent structures that ensure the greatest possible efficiency. Thus, we rely on clearly defined areas of competence and responsibilities, which guarantee smooth cooperation. We work closely with the Swiss Society of Rheumatology (SSR) and are subject to the supervision by the Federal Foundation Commission.
The Foundation Board is the governing body of the foundation. Leading scientists, practising doctors, patients, and other experts are represented here.
Michael Andor, MD
Specialist FMH for Rheumatology
RZO - Rheumatologie im Zürcher Oberland, Zurich
Prof. Diego Kyburz, MD
Vice President
Head of Clinic for Rheumatology
Universitätsspital Basel
Prof. Sabine Adler, MD
Head Physician Rheumatology and Immunology
Kantonsspital Aarau
Laure Brulhart Bletsas, MD
Head of Clinic for Rheumatology
Réseau hospitalier neuchâtelois, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Prof. Adrian Ciurea, MD
Deputy Clinic Director Clinic for Rheumatology
Universitätsspital Zürich, Zurich
Prof. Oliver Distler, MD
Director Department of Rheumatology
Universitätsspital Zürich, Zurich
Prof. Axel Finckh, MD
Head of Clinical Research in Rheumatology
Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, Geneva
Anna Grabowski
Patient Representative
Entrepreneur Medtech/Biotech
Prof. Thomas Hügle, MD
Head of Clinic for Rheumatology
Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne
Christian Leemann
Patient Representative
Managing Director in the Pharmaceuticals/Chemicals Industry
Prof. Burkhard Möller, MD
Deputy Head Physician and Head of Polyclinic
Inselspital, Berne
Prof. Andrea Rubbert-Roth, MD
Senior Physician / Deputy Clinic Director
Clinic for Rheumatology
Kantonsspital St.Gallen, St. Gall
Dr. med. Roxana Valcov
Head Physician Rheumatology
Hôpital du Jura
The office is responsible for the operational business and is known for its considerable expertise in research as well as in data analysis and data management. In addition, our team trains medical professionals and is the first point of contact for researchers, doctors and those affected.
Isabelle Burger
Head of Communication
- Data Manager (Project Management RZA/PMR)
B. Sc. FH (Business Communication)
EFZ Medical Practice Assistants
Catherine Raptis
Science Director
Dr. Sc. ETH (Env. Engineering)
M. Sci. Physics
Frauke Kasper
Backoffice Managerin
M. Sc. University of Basel (Economics)
Lorenzo De Appolonia
Stagista in Data Science
Jonas Brändli
Research Associate
M. Sc. ZHAW (Engineering with focus on Data Science)
Sarah Furrer
Project und Portfoliomanager
M. Sc. ZHAW (International Business)
Andrea Götschi
Research Associate
M. Sc. UZH (Biostatistics)
Christos Polysopoulos
Research Associate
M. Sc. UZH (Biostatistics)
Myriam Riek
Methods Officer
M. Sc. ETH (Statistics)
M. Sc. University of Basel (Biology)
Konstantin Benz
Project Owner Database
M. Sc. ZHAW (Computer science)
Moira Beuggert
Project lead database
B. Sc. FH (Physiotherapy)
Tanja Strahm
- Data Manager (Project Management RA, Biobank, RePreg)
- Communication officer for the Lake Geneva region, Espace Mittelland and Basel
- Study Coordination
Dipl. Nursing HF
Susanne Wild
Data Manager (responsible for data quality and data cleaning)
B.Sc. UZH (Biology)
Jasmin Bossart
Digitisation of X-ray Images
Mirjam Schäfer
Scoring X-rays
Alicia Zanko
Scoring X-rays
Marco Binder
Each cohort in the SCQM is accompanied by a scientific expert commission, which assists the Foundation in an advisory capacity. The members of the expert commissions also assess the applications for research projects with SCQM data.